Fiji Climate (°F)

Climate in Fiji

What's the climate in Fiji going to be like for my upcoming Fiji vacation? Find that out and more here with links to Fiji weather forecast predictors.

Here is your Fiji climate information in Fahrenheit and inches.

In Celsius

If you want the same information but in Celsius, visit our Fiji Climate page.

Fiji Weather hub page

If you haven't already, the Fiji Weather page is the starting point for all information regarding climate and weather in Fiji. You will also find today's weather and the 15-day Fiji weather forecast.

Climate in Fiji

The difference between weather and climate is that climate is the study of weather patterns over a longer period of time.

If you are after short-term weather information for your Fiji vacation, then you'll find that from the hub Fiji Weather page.

Here is the climate chart of Suva, the capital of Fiji.

climate in Fiji graph

Fiji's climate is classified as tropical marine. That means, it's warm all the year round with minimal extremes.

The warmer season from December through to April is also when heavier rain falls. Suva experiences more rain than the tourist hub Nadi Fiji. And less rain again falls on the popular tourist island chains of the Yasawas and the Mamanucas.

the climate in Fiji can be rainy during the hot the season.

If you are wanting cold weather than you're totally out of luck. The Fijian winter sinks down to 64°F on the main island of Viti Levu. On the outer islands, such as the popular Yasawas and Mamanucas, it's bottoms out
at 72°F!

Yes, I'm saying you can leave your jumpers and scarves at home!

Summer tops out at around 87°F, which might be less than you think. Still, it's plenty hot enough and you'll be spending a fair bit
of time in the water.

The most pleasant time to visit Fiji would be during the cool season or the dry season which is between May and October. There is less rainfall, less humidity, and mild temperatures.

As I alluded to above, November to April is warm season or wet season. Heavier rains fall during this period and this is also the time when the odd cyclone is more likely to come through.

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